Companies Must be at the Ready to “Hold Space” For Asians, Others, Affected by Social Trauma
Crimes against the Asian American community have increased by 150% over the last two years. That is a sad and bewildering fact. It's also as sad that it's a statistic many of us know off the top of our heads due to recent events. These social traumas continue to shake society, and stir up many emotions for those who are part of the Asian community. Many of them work in our industry.
Now more than ever we have to be able, willing and prepared to "hold space" for employees who make up non-majority groups within our workforce. We need to first and foremost listen - so that they can be heard sharing their thoughts and feelings. And, so that we can hear how we as individuals and as organizations can best support them, stand with them, and learn from their lived experiences. Asian Americans are on track to become the largest immigrant population in the U.S. by 2055. It is time to stand together so that we all share in an inclusive workplace for everyone.

Many CADIA companies are openly sharing their own best practices for offering listening sessions, "holding space," and providing guidance to people leaders of all levels who want to navigate these conversations with empathy and kindness. These best practice conversations are taking place in the CADIA DEI Roundtable Series meetings and CADIA Connects. We would like to offer a few resources here as well.
Awaken: How to Manage Your Teams in Time of Trauma
Nordstrom: Corporate Allyship
PWC: Top 10 Tips for Hosting Candid Conversations
Psychology Today: What Does it Mean to Hold Space
Time: I will Not Stand Silent: 10 Asian Americans Reflect on Racism During the Pandemic and the Need for Equality
Cathy Park Hong Minor Feelings